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Volunteer for HeroGuards

Volunteers are needed to help in acquisitions (both online and from brick and mortar stores), warehousing (at our sites, in your garage or the trunk of your car?) , and deliveries to healthcare centers such as hospitals and nursing homes in your area, as well as in accounting, and in recruiting of volunteers in additional locations nationwide. 


Acquisitions (other than online acquisitions) and deliveries require and involve the use of a motor vehicle and the ability to go into stores to obtain the gear and the ability to deliver the gear to nursing homes and hospitals and healthcare centers within a reasonable distance, all while properly protected by masking and social distancing. 


At its most gritty, acquisitions and deliveries can only be accomplished by members of the least "at risk" groups.  Students with appropriate access to motor vehicles are perfect donors of their time as HeroGuards Volunteers


Volunteers with experience in fundraising are especially needed.


Geographical location should not be an impediment to volunteers, as our mission knows no boundaries.




Thanks for submitting!

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